Riverfly monitoring
We've received a grant from Long Ashton Parish Council to work with the Riverfly Partnership to monitor the health of Long Ashton's streams.
Volunteers will be trained on how to record the presence and abundance of eight pollution-sensitive invertebrate groups such as mayflies, stoneflies and caddis flies. Following this, monthly samples will help us build a picture of the health of our local waterways.

Native hedgerow
A collaboration between Bridge Farm, North Somerset Council, the LANCE Trust and the Forest of Avon, facilitated the planting of almost 2kms of species-rich hedging that will link up two parcels of ancient woodland: Ashton Court and Yewtree Farm.
The 'Great hedge creation project' saw more than 150 volunteers join us in wild winter weather to get the job done!

Species-rich meadow
2022 saw the beginnings of a new wildflower meadow in the heart of Long Ashton.
With a swathe of purple-flowered corncockles unexpectedly in bloom across the whole hectare just in time for the Queen's Jubilee, we're now looking forward to what will happen in 2023. Some lucky residents might be able to see the meadow from their houses, for others, follow the link to a map.

Northleaze School
Northleaze School approached us to see if we could help the School Council create a wild flower mini meadow.
We suggested a mix of annual cornfield flowers would be ideal such as corn poppies, corn flowers, corn marigold, corn chamomile and ox eye daisies. These species would attract all the insects and creatures that the school children were most excited about.
We stripped the turf and sowed the seeds under hail, thunder and lightning... so we're waiting curiously to see how the mini meadow fares.

Wildlife surveys
Knowledge is power! Assessing what species you’ve got, and where they live, is essential. Therefore, surveying local areas is key in any biodiversity initiative.
The University of Bristol is keen for students and residents to collaborate in surveying the trees in Providence Wood. It would also be useful to count the number of saplings surviving on Toboggan Hill, as well as get more information on where butterflies, hedgehogs, sparrows and much else are to be found. Experts in identification could be paired with non-experts so if you want to be involved in surveying, please get in touch.

Tree-planting and maintenance
Students from the University of Bristol led the way in Winter/Spring 2020 to plant several hundred saplings on Toboggan Hill. Some local residents joined in and there are plans to increase tree planting in suitable areas on more University land.
Sign up to our e-newsletter for information on when the next sapling-care event is, if you'd like to get involved.