On Easter Sunday, the sun shone bright and fair and it was time to give Lark Meadow a boost with some extra planting. A couple of weeks before, we had managed to beat the rush and buy plant plugs from Cumbria Wildflowers.
A proud peat-free nursery, the company has been run on organic sustainable principles for over 25 years. Their aim is to minimise their impact on the natural environment while enhancing biodiversity. Registered with Defra, the nursery, can legally sell bulbs, seeds and plants grown from harvested wild seed collected from UK species rich habitats.
Plug plants in Peel Park
So, with such great credentials, what would the plants look like? Unsurprisingly, they were bursting with vitality. Together with some plants including teasel, ox-eye daisy, ragged robin and yarrow that had been raised by volunteers here in Long Ashton, a small team set to work in Peel Park. It’s the second year of an on-going project between the LANCE Trust, Long Ashton Parish Council and Long Ashton Community Centre as part of the drive to boost biodiversity in gardens and public spaces.
Lark Meadow didn't miss out
As well as Peel Park, a smaller and stalwart team trundled the wheelbarrow of promise towards Lark Meadow and planted the rest of the plugs and plants. With a male skylark in full song nearby, the meadow is aptly named indeed and what could be a better way of spending an hour or two in such uplifting company?
So far, 2023 has seen over 300 plugs and plants popped into the ground and here’s hoping Lark Meadow and Peel Park will bloom well and provide a much-needed feast for bees and butterflies.